like it did in Portugal to an extent this is just one article,8599,1893946,00.html
Other - Society & Culture - 2 Answers
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1 :
NO, people would fight over drugs, and children would do them even more now that they're legal!
2 :
Important distinction: All drugs are not legal in Portugal, they are simply decriminalized. That means a fine instead of arrest and jail time. And I'm inclined to say no. What worked for Portugal might work for France, for South Africa, it might work for England even. The thing to remember is that most European countries are the size of our states, or smaller. To demonstrate my point: Portugal's current population is 10.6 million. The current population of the USA is 307 million, which is 30 times that of Portugal. What works on a small scale does not necessarily translate to something that much larger.