i have some reletve in canada and i want work there
Portugal - 4 Answers
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1 :
No, Portuguese nationality does not mean you can emigrate to Canada to work. You would have to apply for a visa, and you can read more about this on their official site here http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index.asp Having Portuguese nationality means you are free to seek work in any of the EU member countries, but Canada is not in the EU (or even Europe) so this makes no difference.
2 :
i have a couple of mates who are portuguese and went to canada,they are living with relatives and they are working there obviously....
3 :
Bla bla is right. If you want to live and work in Canada you must have a visa. Similar in the States. You must obtain a visa for student or work but visas are just for a temporary time. You may also live in the States for about three or six months, you are not allowed to work in this country when you are here. You have to go back to Portugal after this time. If you want to live and work in the United States as a permanent resident, it now takes longer, about ten years wait for your green card. Now that we have a new president, our immigration laws probably will be changing. Good luck
4 :
I'm in Canada and I'm Portuguese. the only way to come to Canada is to married a canadian citizen or to have close family like a brother or parents living here legally.